Tuesday, January 4, 2011


  The battle of the bulge still rages on in America. Weight gain seems to be something many of us just cannot seem to get away from. As a wife and mother of five children, my exercise time is very limited and my energy levels even more. The baby's sleeping schedule has been all over the place lately, which gives me 4 to 5 sleep hours a day to work with. I'm exhausted about time I lay down and even more so when I rise up again. Really trying to get the baby's sleeping pattern back on track, so I can get my much needed rest. I have dark circles under my eyes that can be used as coasters! I am really trying to change my eating habits for the better and taking vitamins daily. I started back exercising hoping to stimulate more energy and strength throughout my day. Guzzling more water and orange juice, leaving the soda alone. I really need to shed some pounds so I can be around to see my children blossom into great men and a lady. We, as parents always talk about how much we love our kids and would do anything for them. We would give our right arm, even our very lives for them. Well, I'm ready to seriously start living a healthier life for myself and for my kids sake. They need and deserve healthy parents, and I deserve to live long enough to see them get out of my house and out on their own. (giggling) For anyone who is struggling with their weight, I pray God gives you the strength to triumph. Best of luck to you in your journey to a healthier you! God bless!

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