Saturday, January 15, 2011


   I remember when mothers would have to worry about the young men trying to get their daughters in bed, but not anymore! These days it's the guys that have to beware. It's amazing and a shame of how some of our young girls are just sex crazed these days. They don't have a high self-worth and just giving themselves away to all that will have them. There are some young men out there, believe it or not, who want to wait before jumping into bed before marriage. I know some even wait until they are at least a senior, but these young people today are not waiting! Children as young as 12/13 yrs of age are already experiencing and engaging in sexual experiences. I'm sure this isn't new, and you have heard this before, but as parents we have to step it up a bit. Educate our children on the consequences of kids engaging in adult activities which they are not ready for. I'm not saying just the famous, don't have sex or I'll kill you speech either! Although, that has worked in the past. Lol  Seriously though, our children need to know and understand that a few moments of pleasure will and can lead to STD's, unwanted pregnancies, abortion, etc.. They also need to know about the emotional side effects as well. Talk to our children about the peer pressures that will face in this life as a teen and how to deal with it. Letting the young girls know that sleeping around doesn't make you popular, it makes you promiscuous and talked about in a negative way! When these young girls come across a nice young man who treats them with respect, and not trying to get them in bed they get rid of them. Instead of being taken to a movie and dinner, they want to get taking to a hotel. LOVE has been taking out the picture completely, it's all about the LUST! They think a boy is handsome and popular so they sleep with him. A boy is dating a girl she doesn't like, she tries to seduce him away from her and rejoices when she does. This is a terrible thing. Mothers, we really need to pray for our children because we are all they have. The world don't care about our kids, but it will destroy them if we don't do something. Our children are the future, and we want them to have a bright one with many opportunities. Make an appointment at the family table with your kids, it's time to have that talk again. Remind them about not having sex, not doing and/or selling drugs, not joining street gangs, and not falling to peer pressure. This isn't a one time deal, this has to be done a few times a year. Pray and ask God to give you the words to say to reach your child/children. Ask God to give you that discernment to hear and see what your child/children may need. God bless!!!

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